Friday, April 23, 2010


  1. Nice picture, though I'd have to look up the second word. I'm still in disbelief that you are able to A. Blog, and B. work your blog, when I'm still trying to figure how the heck to get mine working. Finally managed to actually blog,at least.

    Also I'm slightly jealous that there are things growing where you are. It's still cold enough to snow here.

  2. I miss my Fig! Tried to grow some from cuttings, and they didn't survive the winter here. Vancouver had milder winters.

  3. Last year the figs were tiny,and that gave me the excuse to eat them off the tree every time I passed.Sun warmed figs are one of those things that forces you to stop and focus on it.

  4. Should we be expecting some lovely fig cookies at the Vegas convention in August??? *wink* *smooch*

  5. I'm afraid I did it again. I ate all the figs off the tree. No fig desserts.
