Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lavender Drying In The Dining Room


  1. Probably pretty heady scent. We had a bunch about that size at one point.

  2. Nana, did you take the photo yourself? The candlestick - lavender - light - shadow - very impressive. I like it!

  3. I agree with Lenka it is a beautiful photo! Having one of the candles in shadow adds to the overall composition; that being said I would suggest a hint of additional highlighting on the lavender as my eyes are drawn first to the candles... One way to do this is to use a large white card or reflective surface reflect sunlight into the shadowed area in the bottom half. Kudos, N.


  4. Thanks,all!
    and Bob, great tip-I didn't know how to accent the lavender and I always take the picture just as I'm seeing it.

  5. Beautiful photo- I wish I could get my lavender to grow like that... maybe next year, I've heard the first year can be tough.

    The light is beautiful there!

  6. N, next time you're at an art/office supply store you may want to pick up a sheet of white foam-board (I think they come in various sizes up to 4 x 8 ft) - I recall 20+ years ago attending AIFL (Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale) buying a boatload of 'em to use as light-reflectors on photo-assignments. You can pick one up & keep it handy around the house and at the next photo-opportunity they're great as an indirect light-source in a pinch, altho they're lightweight and can be a bit troublesome on windy days...

    That being said, the most expressive photos are about the 'moment' & don't necessarily require pre-planning... I still my recall my trip to ABQ a few years ago & those murals in downtown ABQ. I'll never forget those...


  7. Our local paper has a spread including several recipes using Lavender and other flowers. I'm trying to dig up a link to it. Frustrating, as they seem to only include about half of any issue on their website.

    If all else fails, I'll scan and post.
