Friday, October 22, 2010

A Strange New Mexican October Sky


  1. Gosh, that is strange! Are the clouds that color? Did it start pouring after you took this? Weird.

  2. I miss seeing the sky like that. Happened often in south FL but not so much in NY. Thanks for the reminder of my childhood home :)

  3. Some of the best images happen just before the storm! All of your pictures make NM look like an ideal location for a photographer, like myself, to visit. It's definitely been added to my list.

  4. Wow! I've never seen blue clouds...

  5. RJK- it would make you crazy you'd be so inspired! Definitely come!

  6. and when I've seen skies like that in Florida- I get off the beach -fast!

  7. The videos are excellent. Is nice to see you again!

  8. I wasn't sure where to "comment" - but I agree with Lenka- the stew looks wonderful and it was helpful to me to see you prepare it- I think I am more of a "visual learner".

  9. Aha!! After about a week of trying to figure out the site I've learned how to post. What a process.
    Wanted to say that I've never been to New Mexico but it looks pretty and now the hubby and I are thinking of visiting...
    And that the New Fruitcake Bouboulette was delicious! And I don't usually like tastes that are so unique! FANTASTIC!
